How safe is a colonoscopy?

The operation of a colonoscopy screening is generally risk-free. However, the surgery itself and the sedative utilised both include inherent hazards, as with any medical operation. After the colonoscopy, if you experience severe abdominal discomfort, fainting, a fever, chills, or rectal bleeding, you should call your doctor. A colonoscopy is a technique to examine the lining of your colon from the inside. A colonoscope, which is a long, thin tube roughly the width of a finger, is the main instrument used to view the interior of the colon. The most typical cancer in Singapore is colorectal cancer. It typically takes place invisibly and without any symptoms at all. The most precise type of colonoscopy could prevent 60% of colorectal cancer fatalities. Similar to flexible sigmoidoscopy, however the doctor examines the rectum and the entire colon to look for polyps or cancer using a longer, thin, flexible tube. The majority of polyps and certain tumours can be found and removed by the doctor during the examination. If something unexpected is discovered during one of the other screening tests, a colonoscopy may also be done as a follow-up examination. How frequently: every ten years (for people who do not have an increased risk of colorectal cancer).


Choosing the best screening test :

There are benefits and drawbacks to each test. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each test as well as the recommended frequency of testing with your doctor. The choice of exam depends on—

  • Those you prefer.
  • Your health situation.
  • Your own or your family’s history of colorectal polyps or cancer.
  • If you have a hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer or a genetic syndrome like familial adenomatous polyposis external icon
  • The tools at our disposal for testing and follow-up.

How to Enhance the Egg Quality to Increase the Chances of Conceiving?

For every human community, it is more important to have a child to extend their generation. Actually, it is a natural process and one should not get any kind of disturbances. But unfortunately, the natural process get disturbed due to various reasons and the notable reasons in those are food culture and the lifestyle with a lot of stress. This leads to infertility in the couple and finally affects the reproductive system. Actually, the poor egg quality that is produced in the women and the less sperm count and mobility are the major reasons for infertility. This further leads the embryos to fail in injection. Though the medical treatments are received the success rate of the treatment is also based on the egg quality and the sperm quality. Even in the treatment of IVF success rate will be around fifty percent that too based on the age limit.  Hence it is more important to maintain the egg quality to increase the possibility of conceiving even after the IVF treatment.  Let us see one of the ways that help to maintain egg quality.

health issues

Suitable Diet: A Proper diet will help to keep and maintain the egg quality. Eating nutrient-rich foods like fresh vegetables, pumpkin seeds, turmeric, salmon and ginger, etc. may help the women to enhance the quality of eggs naturally. At the same time, they have to avoid certain foods such as alcohol, caffeine, fast and processed food, excess sugar and salt-containing eatables, etc. Following this diet can definitely enhance the egg quality and may increase the chances of conceiving.