Damp Survey: What Are The Costs?

Most people try to avoid damp, but they can’t live without it. It’s in our homes, in the air we breathe, and all around us, on walls and ceilings. We can’t escape the dampness of life – even when we want to.

About damp survey

Damp survey is a means of identifying sources of moisture in your house or place of residence. A damp survey should be carried out by an independent party, and if you are at all unsure, speak to your estate agent to find out who has carried out the damp survey on the property before.

The surveyor will take measurements and photographs, and may also use thermography to measure surface temperatures. They will also investigate the building fabric, which may include looking at floors, walls, ceilings and doors.

The aim of damp survey is to discover whether dampness is present in any of your property. If it is present, the surveyor will demonstrate how to stop the source of water from causing further problems.

The costs

The costs of damp survey is a tricky issue. TheĀ cost of a damp survey depends on the size and the condition of your house. It’s normally charged by time, the size of your house and an hourly rate.

If you have been told that damp survey is included in your property valuation, make sure you check exactly what will be surveyed before you commit yourself to having it done.

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Why damp survey is important

Dampness is a serious problem that affects homes and businesses across the UK. It can lead to problems with the walls, floors, ceilings and windows of your property. It can cause a number of building health problems, including rot in the timbers, mould and dampness.

The UK’s Building Regulations were changed in 2013 to focus on moisture as a problem in all residential buildings, including new builds. It’s the responsibility of builders, developers and landlords to address any moisture issues in the property they build or renovate. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of any risks of moisture damage before you invest in your home.

Knowing how water can affect your house walls, floors and windows will help you to avoid spending money on unnecessary repairs in the future.